Sunday, November 13, 2005

podcast #15, vocabulary flash cards

podcast #15, vocabulary flash cards

(link to the podcast)

How to Learn Any Language
by Barry Farber

Bilingual America
Spanish Power series of lessons

The Amazing Flashcard Machine

Flashcard Exchange

Before You Know It
by Transparent Language

Macintosh flashcard program

flashcard program for Windows computer

please email me at:,

or leave your comments on this site


At 11/26/2005 2:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Rich,

I listened to all of your podcasts over the Thanksgiving Holidays. Thank you for the direction and encouragement to not give up. I need both!

I was wondering if anyone has any experience with Power-Glide learning system by Dr. Robert W. Blair. I currently own the children's version and am using it to teach my elementary school aged children. However, we have not progressed far enough that I have learned anything new and of course the children are learning very fast. Power-Glide also has a course for adults. I am curious to know if anyone out there has used or know someone who has used this foreign language program.



At 12/04/2005 5:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Rich--

I have been listening to all the podcasts and you are covering some great things. One thing that I have wondered about, as an adult learner, why is it tougher for us? Also, is it foolish to try to tackle two different foreign languages at the same time? I will be trying Spanish and French.


At 12/28/2005 8:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great Podcast.
There are several Palm PDA resources that incorporate the flashcard model. The PocketLingo Spanish Dictionary for PalmOS, for example, has a feature called "My Word" that is, essentially, a deck of electronic flashcards, with a few extra features. Having the dictionary and the flashcards both in one program, in my case loaded on my Treo PDA mobile phone, means I can review words anytime, anywhere and don't have to organize or remember my flashcards.
I do also have a decks of both home made flashcards and professional flashcards. The more tools the better!

At 1/18/2006 11:22 AM, Blogger The Errant Cook said...

Another good use for flash cards around the house/office:

Tape cards with the Spanish words onto common household or office items- lámpara, ventana, computadora, escritorio, etc. That way, whenever you pass the card, you can make a mental note of the item and its Spanish word.

When you have one group of words down, make a practice of identifying the item in your head so that you remember the word.

I have also made a weird practice of saying things in Spanish in my head, when I'm in situations where only English is spoken. I'll translate my own thoughts or other people's words.

If anyone would like to practice writing, I'd certainly enjoy an email exchange!

At 3/18/2006 5:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said... also allows users to enter and share flashcards. The data entered for flashcards can also be displayed in a hangman game, matching game, word search puzzle, and a crossword puzzle. The web site also supports exporting the data to PDAs, cellphones, and iPods.

At 5/31/2006 1:06 PM, Blogger The Benson Report said...

Podcast #15
Subject: flashcards

I would not recommend the above mentioned web site.

The words on the flash card do not include the Spanish accent marks!

At 2/01/2007 5:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I drive international passengers at the airport. The flights are from Mexico. While I am "trying to learn Spanish", I am more intently also learning Ukrainian because so many of my co-workers are Ukrainian. The links on the flashcard site are invaluable for either language THANK YOU!

At 11/19/2008 10:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for another excellent podcast.

I recommend you this excellent method to learn spanish.

At 9/26/2009 12:25 AM, Anonymous James said...

Great information! Great blog! But what I honestly think is that the easiest method to learn Spanish is still the learn Spanish CD from Rocket Spanish

At 10/27/2009 6:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great list,would like to add to another effective some flashcards site which I have found interesting.

At 12/16/2009 3:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a wonderful podcast. Flashcard is a learning tool that I use and has helped me immensely. I would recommend it to everyone. My favorite is language flashcards

At 9/23/2010 11:26 PM, Anonymous Spanish Software Man said...

Mucho gracias! I love this podcast and flash cards. The best!

At 6/22/2011 2:37 AM, Anonymous Kyle said...

Flash Cards are best for children. We can use this cards as a game so were not only learning were having fun too.

At 10/10/2014 2:26 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Learning any language is hard. The main tedium is to learn the vocabulary and the grammar. helps to learn new words and enhance your vocabulary. Give a shot..!!

At 3/23/2015 4:52 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Tips to learn Spanish -

1. Read Spanish very often.
2. Try to speak out loud what you read.
3. Don't worry about the grammar.
4. Watch Spanish movies.
5. Join Spanish school Costa Rica


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