podcast #10, Intermediate Grammar Books
podcast #10, Intermediate Grammar Books
(link to the podcast)
Practice Makes Perfect: Spanish Verb Tenses
by Dorothy Devney Richmond
Practice Makes Perfect: Spanish Pronouns & Prepositions
by Dorothy Devney Richmond
501 Spanish Verbs
by Christopher Kendris
English Grammar for Students of Spanish
by Emily Spinelli
Side by Side, Spanish and English Grammar
by Edith and Frederick Farrell
Breaking Out of Beginner’s Spanish
by Joseph Keenan
note on the PBS series "Destinos":
all 52 episodes are found online free at:
please leave your comments on this site,
or email me at: learningspanish@gmail.com
Rich, Thank you for your podcasts. The resources you have cited have been helpful. I listen to your podcast while I'm running; so the effort you make to put links and resources on your site are especially welcome (ever try to take notes while doing a 9 minute mile?).
One critical comment: you sometimes lapse into rambling repetitions. I am a speech writer/maker. If I weren't so interested in getting the nuggets you provide, I might well have tuned you out. If you are not already scripting it or at least using an outline, I suggest doing so ... and then stick to it.
All in all a great service. I'm sure with practice your performace will improve.
Bob Carr
Washington DC
Hi Bob,
Thanks for your comment. I listen to podcasts and internet radio too while I am running, but my miles are much slower than 9 minutes each!
Thanks for the feedback on my delivery, I certainly agree with you on the need to improve my delivery and avoid "rambling repetitions". I do have some notes that I try to talk from, but often get lost and
don't remember what I have already said. Perhaps your idea of a script is what I should be going to. I had read that having a script sounded bad and very stale, so I didn't try it. But given my problems
in just talking, perhaps it would be better.
This is my first attempt to do anything like a spoken presentation, and I am sure it shows.
Anyway, I am trying to improve, and appreciate the feedback. I'll keep trying to put in some good nuggets of information so you and my other listeners will be encouraged to overlook my problems ! Thanks for writing, Rich
This blog has been very helpful to me, and is a great source of information. Thanks for all the time you have spent on your podcasts.
¡Enhorabuena Rich!
Tus grabaciones no son sólo buenas sino tremendamente útiles.
Soy profesor de español en Inglaterra y te he recomendado a mis alumnos.
¡Sigue adelante y mucha suerte!
The grammar of a certain language isn't as important as that language's vocabulary.
I'd recommend checking out the grammar resources suggested at http://www.topspanishtips.weebly.com.There is a good collection and the resources take you through from beginner up to advanced level
From beginner to advance that's the way everyone should learn Spanish.
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